Pre School Costs:

A morning session (9.30am-12.30pm) is currently charged at £18.
Since April 2004 all 3 and 4 year old children receive free Pre-school education via Government grants. In order to qualify for this the child must be 3 by 1
st April/Sept/Jan to qualify for this funding in that term. The pre-school applies for this funding from Hertfordshire County Council on your behalf
(For more information click here)
The Pines pre-school is also registered with Hertfordshire County Council as a provider for the 2 years old Early Education Funding Scheme. This means we are also able to apply for funding on your behalf for some 2 year olds. The criteria for receiving this funding can be
found here and you can now check online yourself to find out if you will be eligible.
We are also able to accept the 30 hours funding, for 3 and 4 year old's of working parents - you can check your eligibility
In addition to the normal morning session we also offer a lunch club on 2 days a week. Lunch club runs from 12.30pm until 1.30pm. On Tuesday you are asked to provide a packed lunch for your child, and the cost of these lunch club sessions is £5. On a Wednesday we provide a cooked lunch and the cost is £6.50. The cost of lunch club sessions is not covered by either the 2 year old or 3 & 4 year old government grants.
Applying for a Place:
We operate a waiting list for a place at the Pines. One of our admission criteria is length of time on the waiting list and you are therefore advised to apply for a place on this list as soon as possible.
To be placed on the waiting list you should complete a brief application form – you can
complete this online, or can download a hard copy. This should then either be sent by post to The Pines Pre School, Pinehurst Community Centre, Birdie Way, Hertford, SG13 7SX, or e-mailed to us at

Once we have received your application we will place your child on the waiting list and contact you to confirm. We will then contact you again about half a term prior to their potential start date to confirm whether you are still interested in a place with us.
We take your privacy seriously and follow the requirements of the GDPR. You can ask us for our Data Protection Policy and Data Audit. Our Privacy Notice can be found here